group2 pigsort-facerec pigsort-pymk verified birthday pieminas nameday svetki wallet color-user-add color-wave color-gift umbrella verified-mono color-pupoli recommend like change-order gif music-add music-bookmark music-check music-edit music-next music-man-patik music-like music-pause music-play music-prev music-repeat music-shuffle music-trash music-volume-high music-volume-low music-volume-mute speaker play send-mail pause info-triangle movie embed link target check private registered friends public location tag thumbs-down thumbs-up smaids pointer-rw pointer-dw edit pointer-10 pointer-ddd pointer-ddw info-18 info-16 add-10 edit-14 img-crumb search-passive arrow-1-ri arrow-1-le foto larrow-link close-12 external-link calendar favourite discarrow neredz-active settings close-10 bell search home neredz pointer-dd paint categories ban weather-clear weather-night-clear weather-cloud weather-hail weather-mostly-cloud weather-night-mostly-cloud weather-partly-cloud weather-night-partly-cloud weather-rain weather-rain-krusa weather-rain-lightning weather-rain-lightning-hard weather-rain-snow weather-wind-dir weather-rain-hard weather-snow edit-add weather-clouds weather-humidity weather-wind weather-temp weather-raindrops weather-pressure weather-raining report box-sound box-attachment box-emoji box-gif box-cancel box-voice microphone box-stop rate-vote-super rate-vote trash star emoji-add vertical-dots message-square Kaspars Dvinskis is one of the leading DJ’s aka DJ Dween. For the past two years he has achieved quite success in the dance scene in Latvia. His songs are regularly played on the radio station charts. Until... Lasīt vairāk