Iesauka: | Ditish;) |
Darba vieta: | Office manager at Rapidrop Global |
Skola(-as): | LSPA (2010 - 2014) Engures vidusskola (2003 - 2010) Mēsraga vidusskola ( 1998 - 2003) PII "Dārta" (1994 - 1998) |
Vārda diena: | 27. jūlijs |
Par mani: | Es ticu liktenim -satikšu tos , kas jāsatiek, un paiešu garām tiem , kam jāpaiet! Reality is always controlled by the people who are most insane and people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the one`s who do. Yupp that`s me ;) I decided long ago - never to walk in anyone`s shadow... If I fail, if I succeed - at least I`ll live as I believe ;) No matter what they take from me..they can`t take away my dignity ;) |
Intereses: | Piepildīt sapņus... |
Citiem iesaku: | Varbūt ir vērts pārējo izdzēst - pateikt :"Bijušā nav, es visu izmetu, pavisam" |