Iesauka: | state of bliss |
Ģeogrāfija: | Rīga |
Skola(-as): | LU JF RVT IT RPPĢ |
Par mani: | My decisions are based upon faith not fear, living right now and right here! When nothing is older than yesterday and tomorrow has stopped coming..... ...then I become Endless! |
Intereses: | Domāšanas process, visuma uzbūve, analīze, kognitīvā psiholoģija, attīstība utt. bla bla bla perceptīvā realitāte, kvantu mehānika, visa pamatā esošais paradokss, filozofija utt utml |
Citiem iesaku: | Eсли мозгов нет, лопатой не накладёшь ! heh ;) You don't need eyes to see you need vision ! Waste no time arguing what a good man should be, be one! /Marcus Aurelius/ |