Jānis Celmiņš


Pēdējo reizi manīts

21. jūn 2022 07:30

Iesauka: Janchux, Rhogar
Skola(-as): LU ĶF [pabeigts BSc],
elitārā skola - ĀVĢ [izdzīvots],
pirms tam B1vsk [kā pa miglu].
un tam visam pāri DZĪVES SKOLA [joprojām turpinās]
Vārda diena: 24. jūnijs
Par mani: ***
We're just amateur lovers
With amateur friends...
Tu esi savrups intelektuālis, kura darba instruments ir allaž urķējošais prāts.
LS: tu esi bīstams...
overburn: tu esi staigājoša haļava!
AK: tu mani biedē :D
AK: kādēļ tu visu zini? xD
Intereses: ***
Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty!!!
Citiem iesaku: ***
You are a Planeswalker!
You ar one the most powerful spellcasters in the Multiverse. Other planeswalkers will challenge you with arsenals of spells and legions of creatures. Defeat them using your own!
/Wizards of the Coast/
X says: hey man
X says: wassup?
J says: as always...
X says: wrong answer
J says: why?
X says: there must always be some dragon slain, some girl seduced and some city taken!!!
"Dream in the shadows"
"Let the game begin..."