- V-diena: 22. novembris
- Rigas 6. vidusskola, Rīgas Valsts tehnikums (Rīgas Industriālais politehnikums)
Jaunākie draugi
- Aldis Viesturs29. okt 2024 14:18
- RT @igorlachenkov: +18
After refusing to submit to Russian brutality and uttering the phrase "Slava Ukraini," a Ukrainian prisoner of war is being brutally killed.
Even in the twenty-first century, horrible war crimes are still committed, and those who break all the rules still go unpunished. Lasīt tālāk - Check this out...
An American Declination of Codependence, Issued July 4th, 2021.
We won our independence, but we now suffer under a new sort of tyrant. We find ourselves bound by the invisible chains of codependence.
- RT @SenRonJohnson: For those who haven’t had time to watch the full five hour discussion, COVID-19: A Second Opinion, I am imploring you to watch this 30 minute highlight video.
Please watch and share with everyone you know.COVID-19: A Second OpinionOn January 24, 2022 Senator Ron Johnson invited a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts to the U.S. Senate to provide a different perspective...
- RT @jamiedupree: Moore also made this tweet on Saturday night about the US Capitol Police officer who shot and killed a woman as she tried to get into a lobby off the House floor, where lawmakers were sheltering from the attack by Trump supporters.
- Trump Dodges Twitter Ban with Gov‘t Account: We Will Not Be SILENCED! via @BreitbartNews
Trump Dodges Twitter Ban with Gov't Account: We Will Not Be SILENCED!
President Donald Trump dodged his permanent ban on Twitter, sending a message using a government account reserved for the president.
- RT @Zigurds: Vismaz divi Antifa dalībnieki trešdien tika pamanīti starp Trampu atbalstošo protestētāju pulkiem pie Kapitolija.Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot: sources via @nypost
Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot: sources
At least two known Antifa members were spotted among the throngs of pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol on Wednesday, a law enforcement source told The...
- RT @SethDillon: Remember when BLM rioters were burning down cities and Colin Kaepernick literally called for more violence? And then, instead of banning him, @Jack gave him $3M?
Remember when BLM rioters were burning down cities and Colin Kaepernick literally called for more violence? And then, instead...
Have we forgotten about this? Really?
- Tie "mkas" delfos nevar uzreiz pie raksta atzmīmēt ka tas ir maksas.
Tilla tērpu burves Kristas stāsts par pašas zīmolu 'Grieta' un ideju garnadžiem
"Zīmols radās pats – netīšām," stāsta apģērbu zīmola "Grieta" radītāja, idejas autore un vadītāja Krista Jegorova. Vēl vidusskolas laikā viņai gribējies...
- Valstij IR jasāk ar sevi.
Heino Lapiņš: Lietuvieši ir brāļu tauta, kas apsteidz latviešus konkurences cīņā
Lietuvas premjera Sauļus Skverneļa pazīstamajā izteikumā "Latvieši mums nav brāļi, bet konkurenti!" nevajadzētu tikai meklēt nedraudzīgumu, bet gan ieklausīties...
Three children of Danish billionaire killed in Sri Lanka attacks
Denmark's richest man Anders Holch Povlsen and his wife lost three of their...