
Louie Fontaine
Louie started his musical life in the school days forming his first band First Piece (1987-1991) with some classmates. His father had hoped he would become a plummer, but Louie could’nt lay down the bas guitar once he first time picked it up. The band started to play gigs in the local and surrounding towns and decided to rent a old farm house once the school days was over to continue playing music, Louie started to write his first songs at this time. The band could’nt keep together, and ended splitting up, Louie Fontaine & Rick Heart the main persons in the band, later joined the band back together with a new drummer to play a tour in Denmark, they continued playing gigs for some time ,the band never made an album only demos was recorded.
Louie later formed a band with his friend Rick Heart performing as Rick Heart, Louie Fontaine & The Blues Enginees 1997-1998).The band only recorded demoes mustly with Louie’s stuff, Rick Heart later toured with Louie as a guitar player.
In 1991 Louie went traveling after getting his entire record collection stolen from his apartment, with his pockets loaded of insurrance money and a electrical bas guitar, he traveled around Brazil and Bolivia for 6 mount. When he arrived back to Europe he signed up in musical scholl were he joined forces with Lars Fischer, together they formed The Fischer Fontaine Band (1992-1998) The band started to tour soon after in Denmark, a teatrical style seemed to dominate the bands live performances. The band fast moved up, and had there first record*Im Silver (Im Here To Save The Band)* released in 1993 with support of the Danish Rock Council.
Louie began to write his musical Murder Before Justice in his norwigian hide out in 1994 and the FFB continued touring constantly till the end .The show got more and more expensive with 12-15 people on the road, the economy was getting bad. Louie and Fischer began the recording process of the musical Murder Before Justice in 1997 and played there last concert at the opening of the venue Vega in Copenhagen 1998. Murder Before Justice was released the same day.
Louie formed a new band The Pink Guitars (1997) for fun, with fellow musicians during the last tours of The Fischer Fontaine Band the band opened up for FFB.
Louie was the song writer in The Fischer Fontaine Band, but his new materiale was’nt meant for FFB . Louie had more and more interest in singing his own songs instead of having a vocalist during it, he also wanted to leave the teatrical rock scene.
In the following period Louie was writing new stuff and drinking heavy until he finally came up with the sound he was looking for. He then started to manufacture the Beat Machine in his father’s workshop at nighttime, which would become his trademark in years to come. Once finished after more than a year the unlucky Louie had a fire in his newly build studio in Copenhagen in which The Beat Machine was standing, The Machine was damaged, but fast put together again.
Louie Fontaine & The Fabulous Beat Machine( 1999-2003) hit the road in 1999 and toured in 15 countries around europe. In the end of year 2000 Louie moved to New Orleans and shortly after, he got a record deal with* Invisible Records* in Chigago, his new album Soul Satisfaction On Clean Sheets was released in the US in 2002.
Luck was not on Louie’s side since 9/11 (World Trade Center) and the following wars in Aghanistan & Irak left his already planed tours in ruins. The*FBI* surrounded Louie’s house in uptown New Orleans, looking for terror suspect Louie Fontaine, because they thought, the newly build model the 1 ton heavy Beat Machine was a bomb.
Louie had enough and went back to live in Europe Latvia, continued playing shows around Europe only to return for performing in New Orleans to play with his American band. In 2002 he got record deal with a Russian record label Cd Maxium,who released Soul Satisfaction in 2003 some tracks from Soul Satisfaction was appeared as soundtracks in 2 international movies Jonny Vang and some in commercials.
Louie started to write new music during 2004 and began to perform as Louie Fontaine & The Living Dead (2004-2006) the band played around 35 shows mustly in Baltic States, Denmark and a 2 trips to the Uk. The show was big and glamourous with actors on stage, a giant coffin, women tied up and whipped on crosses, Louie seemed to gone back to the teatrical world, but changed his mind and skipped the show later on.
He also produced 2 albums with New Orleans Soul Man Rockie Charles during 2003 & 2006 and toured with Rockie twice in northen europe. In 2006 he started to record his materiale in Copenhagen and ended up with 40 songs of which he picked 16 tracks for Evil Love and 11 tracks for the far more rockie cd Dont Bring The Kids.
In 2008 Louie took a break from the music for the first in his life time .The 2 new Cd’s Evil Love & Dont Bring The Kids. was therefore put on hold and will instead be released in 2010.

Other Activities Of Louie Fontaine
During his time Latvia from 2002 -2007, Louie build The Fontaine Hotel ,Hotel Fontaine Royal , and opened a music club Fontaine Palace with space for 700 people, Started the Fontaine Festival in 2006. In 2006 & 2007 he bought 2 other hotels, one in Venezuela and one in Zanzibar Africa
Louie is now living and playing in all 3 countries.

Louie Fontaine Specific Years
Born 1972 in Denmark Jutland as one of 3 brothers, named Steen Lorenz (translation Rock Lorenz) . His father Svend was a plummer & horsetraineer ,his mother Birget is a housewife and artist. His brother had guitar, but no one really played anything in the family. Louie was interested in race horses as a kid, until the day picked up his first bassguitar. At only 16 years old he moved away from home and started a band.

Louie and his friend Rick Heart buys a guitar together, at the local music store and started to dream of being in a Rock’n’ Roll Band.

Against his his fathers wish of Louie becoming a plummer like himself ,he went to college and started to play music.
His first band was formed together with his best friend Rick Heart and named First Piece the band continued playing until after the school days and ended up touring Denmark several times. They joined forces again, years later in 1993 with Rick Heart\\\‘s little brother Hellman (gui) and drummer Casper Winter, with who Louie still plays. First Piece never released any materiale only demos was recorded.

Louie went to south America( brazil ) carrying his electrical bass and a small bag , on the trip the started seriusly to compose his own materiale, and practiced like a maniac.

After returning from Brazil Louie attended a 6 month in a music school program, were he meet Lars Fischer and Casper Winter.

Louie Fontaine & Lars Fischer formed the The Fischer Fontaine Band please click on The Fischer Fontaine Band for more info.

Louie formed a new band The Pink Guitars to play some of his new materiale performing as a singer, the band supported The Fischer Fontaine Band’s last tour, and recorded a few of Louie’s new songs.
Louie quit the project in confusion that he could’nt get the sound he wanted, for his new materiale with a regular drummer. His first daughtor Jacobina was born in April and the next one Tessa in June, with 2 different mother, bad bad boy Louie.

Louie Fontaine and his long time friend Rick Heart made a blues band,* Rick Heart Louie Fontaine & The Blues Engine* no Cd was released, but the band recorded several great demos. during this time Louie also appeared live with US blues singer Jimmy Lee.

Louie Started to build the The Beat Machine in his fathers workshop, in desperation to create the perfect drummer for his new materiale, which was very different from previus songs from Louie’s hand (Click In The Beat Machine for info).Once the machine was finally finish, Louie toured all Europe with his 1 ton metal machine.
In this time he also opened a rehearsal complex 75 rooms and recording studio in an old ship factory in Copenhagen.

2000-2002 *Louie moved to New Orleans *
Fiery, retro punk, musically scientific madman Louie Fontaine now he sets his sites on US soil.
Armed with a pocket of CD’s and a hand full of phone numbers Louie along with drummer Mike Fontaine, bass player Nick Tombstone and Dominatrix Bondage Queen, made their way to New Orleans where he met and teamed up with some of the Gothic City’s most influential punk musicians. Ex-Machine Screw’s John Marclay who pounds out industrial beats on the self made percussive drums and ex-Rick Slave and the Phantoms guitarist Terry Lagarde who style could easily be compared to Slash of the infamous “Guns and Roses.
After many late night rehearsals in Louie’s French Quarter apartment, Louie and the band were anxious to perform. The word traveled through out the city’s underground scene and a show was booked at the El Matador in New Orleans Artsy Merigny District.
Louie Fontaine played to a crowd of music fans, left over Jazz Festival wanderers, metal heads, cross-dressers, as well as Ray Davies of the Kinks, actor John Goodman, and New Orleans Blues man Rockie Charles.
When Invisible Records owner/drummer Martin Atkins (Killing Joke, Ministry, Public Image Limited) pulled the demo from his desk. The package was inviting especially for a drummer due to this monster size 1-ton drum machine that was used on the record.
Invented by Louie Fontaine The Beat Machine is air driven, takes two people to run and 4 hours to set up, is all mechanical, and delivers rock-and-roll shuffles in real time. It sounds and acts like a drummer but it’s not.
Shortly after Martin Atkins signed Louie to a compilation deal that was released as “Notes From The Underground” but already doing this process Martin Atkins and staff offered Louie a record deal releasing Louie’s new album Soul Satisfaction in march.2003 in the United States.
After returning to Europe from New Orleans Louie Fontaine’s manager got contacted by a Russian Label CD-Maximum and a record deal was signed in territory of ex. Soviet Union & Israel.

Louie Fontaine & The Living Dead comes alive, Louie writes new materiale and planning a new show.
Louie produce and performs as bassplayer a record with his friend, New Orleans Soul Man Rockie Charles Have You Seen My Uncle Steve and tours with Rockie in the Baltic States and Denmark.

Louie buys the ex *KGB headquarters in Latvia and opens The Fontaine Hotel and Fontaine Palace a music venue with space for 750 people.

Touring in Latvia with the*Louie Fontaine & The Living Dead* , huge show with giant coffins, bondage girls and bloody killings on stage.

Working in the studio on new materiale for Evil Love & Dont Bring The Kids
And starts the first Fontaine Festival 2006
Produces another record with* Rockie Charles: I Want First Class* followed up by a tour in the Baltic states.
Louie buys a Hotel in Venezuela And performs with his New Orleans set up, at the Fontaine Featival 2007 for the first time since leaving New Orleans.

Louie Fontaine decide to take break from the music and buys another hotel in Africa Zanzibar **.

Performing as *Louie Fontaine &The Firecrackers *
Mr .Fontaine & The Firecrackers give their first concert new years evening , Louie gets himself organized and starts planning the release of the 2 reccords recorded in 2007.


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