Junior Peak Time



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26. nov 2014 10:15 · Aptuvenais lasīšanas ilgums - 1 min
Dear participants of Junior Peak Time 2014, The ranking of all finalists can be found here: jpt2014results Thank you again for taking part in this competition!
24. nov 2014 09:44 · Aptuvenais lasīšanas ilgums - 1 min
The winner of Junior Peak Time 2014 and 500 eur prize is Martynas Vaičiūnas! 2nd place: Martynas Noruišis 3rd place: Rainer Urmas Maine Congratulations! However, all of the finalists showed great knowledge and presentation skills. We hope you had a great time in...
27. okt 2014 15:21 · Aptuvenais lasīšanas ilgums - 1 min
Dear participants, we are happy to announce the Finalists of JPT’14! Thanks to all of you who applied and put an effort into solving the preliminary tasks! More detailed information to the finalists will be sent via e-mail. Yours, JPT’14 Organizing team
24. okt 2014 16:18 · Aptuvenais lasīšanas ilgums - 1 min
You have several hours to finalize the preliminary tasks! The team of JPT is eager to see your results!
13. okt 2014 12:15 · Aptuvenais lasīšanas ilgums - 1 min
The clock is ticking and the deadline for the online application is almost here… Make sure you have filled in the application form till 23:59 (GMT +02:00) TODAY! Looking forward to see you in the final event!


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Junior Peak Time ir konkurss Baltijas valstu vidusskolēniem, kurus interesē uzņēmējdarbība un ekonomika. Junior Peak Time sniedz vidusskolēniem iespēju savstarpēji sacensties, izmantojot un pierādot spēju patstavīgi pieņemt lēmumus, savas analītiskas domāšanas prasmes, datu apstrādes un angļu valodas iemaņas.

Pieteikšanās noris līdz 30.septembrim!

Sīkāka informācija: http://www.juniorpeaktime.org

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  • Strēlnieku iela 4a, Rīga LV 1010, Latvija www.juniorpeaktime.org