
It all started in Colorado Springs, CO. I was born there and only lived there for a short time before we moved to Olathe, KS, I believe. We were always on the move since my dad was a Chaplain in the Army reserves and was attending school full time. This is where we lived in the ghetto. I know what it's like to have nothing, and thinking that bread and macaroni were the only two foods on the planet. I ran home from school most days from what I can remember, and I don't think there was a single day where I didn't get teased, get beat up or almost get beat up. But I kept to myself, and stayed out of the way as best I could.

This was a crazy period of time, and I would have to say the craziest memory I have from this time was when some drunk cracked out dude climbed into my bedroom window and passed out at the foot of my bed. My older brother woke up first screaming, and I eventually woke up and saw what was happening. This was the scariest time of my life, and I am still traumatized of windows being opened at night. It haunts me terribly.

Another moment from this time that is still quite vivid in my mind was when I was waiting out by the bus stop. It was third grade I believe, and some black kid much older than myself, threw a rock the size of Texas at my head for no apparent reason. It hit me, I bled, and I went home. I thought it was going to happen to me every day after that until we moved.

We then moved to Great Bend, KS where I attended 4th and 5th grades. I had my first real girlfriend there, and my first kiss. Even as a guy, that's just something I won't forget, it was pretty embarrassing. My older brother and sister kept putting pressure on me and my girlfriend to kiss, and when we finally did they took a picture of it. We "fake" broke up to try to avoid the embarrassment. I wasn't really sure how that was going to help the fact that they had taken a picture of us kissing, but we were kids and we were dumb, and I laugh about that still today.

My dad finally got commissioned to active duty in the Army as a Chaplain and we moved out to Hawaii. We lived in Mililani for a short time before we moved on base to Schofield Barracks. We stayed there for a total of four years. I attended Uku elementary for 6th grade, Wahiawa Intermediate for 7th and 8th grades, and Wheeler Intermediate unfortunately for another year of 8th grade. I was a slacker!

While in Hawaii I learned to surf, skate board, play the drums, learned magic and I played the Tuba in Concert Band for 7th and both years of 8th grade. I had my first French kiss, my first puppy love and won my first fist fight. I kicked that kid’s ass, but I didn't win them all. I was just too small for my age and I was somewhat of a pacifist. I only fought when I felt I had no other options to stop the teasing. I haven't been in a fight since 2001 and I am quite proud of that.

We then moved on to Lacey Washington, where my dad was called to next for a year of medical training as a Chaplain in the hospital on Ft. Lewis, Washington. I continued to play Tuba in 9th grade Concert Band. I spent about half a year on the wrestling team, and another half year swimming. Never made it far with either sport, but it was fun while it lasted. I made a lot of good friends that year we were there. It went by fast and the memories faded away just as quickly. There are only a handful of memories I have from that place.

I do remember I got into a verbal argument with a girl from school, whom of, to put it nicely, was a big girl. Not sure why she didn't like me, but it escalated to her hitting me in the head with a frying pan. Somehow it didn't knock me out, cut me or otherwise hurt me, aside from my pride.

A year flew by and next thing I knew we were moving back to Colorado Springs, CO where I would repeat another grade... 9th; I WAS A SLACKER! I did learn saxophone but only played for about a year and haven't picked it back up since then. I spent some time at Widefield High school where I decided school wasn't for me. I tried to drop out but I was forced to make a decision by my parents. Finish school or move out at 17. Well, finishing school sounded like a good idea at that moment, so I finished my senior year under the agreement with my parents that I could Home School.

Probably the best memory I have of Colorado Springs is when myself and some of my friends were smoking some grass outside of a middle school after church. I know how that sounds, and I am not even going to go there. Anyway, I thought it was a good idea to hop in my car with a few of my friends and do some doughnuts in the football field and drive around the running track a few times. After about ten minutes of fun I parked my car and we continued to smoke grass. Next thing we knew cops were pulling up on us and putting me in handcuffs. My first arrest; luckily I was a minor and just got some trespassing charges and some kind of juvenile probation for a year. Sorry mom and dad! It certainly wasn’t the first time, just the first time getting caught, but I’m sure most of you can relate.

I finished up my senior year, and made another important decision; the Air Force! I signed up for six years and wasn't really sure what I was getting myself into, but I did it anyway. I spent three years at Ramstein AB, Germany. Out of those three years there, I spent about 2 years in a regular base Civil Engineering Squadron, and the last year I was in Germany I spent in a Combat Communications Squadron. I got back into magic towards the end of my tour in Germany while in Combat Comm., and it followed with me to my next base.

While stationed in Germany, quite possibly the worst moment of my life came about. My father passed away while stationed at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, April 18, 2005. May he forever be at peace and remain in the hearts of all the lives whom he has personally touched. I can only strive to be half as motivated and persevering as he was at following his heart and his dreams. I will live the rest of my days with the only goal in mind of making him proud if he is still watching.

During my tour of duty in Germany, I spent 7 months at Bagram AF, Afghanistan supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. That's all I have to say about that.

Interestingly enough, I was also very much wanting to be a Pararescueman in the Air Force Special Forces. My Uncle is a Colonel in the Air Force and a Combat Controller and got me started on the idea. I spent about a year training with a Pararescue Master Sergeant. It just didn’t work out, life happened.

After my three year stint in Germany and having the time of my life, I headed out to the Midwest and the home of the B-2 Stealth Bomber! Whiteman AFB, MO. Located just outside Knob Noster, MO, do be surprised if you have never heard of the place. It has a population of less than 2,000. While at Whiteman AFB, I was back in a base Civil Engineering Squadron where I had a somewhat miserable existence for three more years.

Of the three years I spent in Missouri, I spent 5 months back in the Middle East at Al Udeid AB, Qatar, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. That place was mostly a resort for Marines and Army personnel for rest and relaxation time. Sounds terrible, does it not? While in Qatar, I performed three quite large magic shows. I performed one for the flight I was attached to, the escort flight. Another show for a Chaplains convention and a third show at a New Years talent show. All went well in my opinion.

Just before I got out of the military, I was walking through a borders book store, looking for magic books, and I noticed they had some guitars for sale. It was the first time as an adult I had been in a store where a guitar was being sold, and something hit me. I can't explain it, and I won't try, but although I am an atheist, it was a spiritual moment. I HAD to have that guitar. It was unlike any feeling I've ever felt before. So I bought it.

Once separated from the military I had a job lined up where I spent the next eight months working as a private contractor in Camp Taji, Iraq. It was the worst experience of my life, other than I started learning guitar. Not because of Iraq, because of the company I worked for. I won’t go into detail, but it was a nightmare.

I found another job with a different company, I only spent four months traveling between Joint Base Balad, Iraq and Baghdad. However I spent most of my time in Baghdad, where I started to really hone in my guitar playing, and began to write songs and sing. It’s hard to believe that was just in Jan of 2009.

After one year of being in the sand and sun, I called it quits and decided the place for me to go was California. I have two friends that are like brothers to me, who wanted to start a band. Something we kind of started in Germany for fun, but now we wanted to kick it up a notch and try doing a real "band thing."

I spent six months living in Sarasota, FL before moving out to California not really knowing what to do or when to leave, but I got it sorted out. Unfortunately by then I was running out of money and ended up getting stuck in Salt Lake City, UT for about a week with a broke down truck. I got it fixed up, and was really in a mess. By the time I got to California I had about $100.00 in my pocket and no place to live, no job, and no idea what the hell I was going to do for money. Despite this, I got married on my last $100.00. Luckily I have amazing friends and they helped me get on my feet, and miraculously enough, the first job I applied to I was hired within the week. As a matter of fact, I got married, and about an hour later I got hired. It’s a job, and it pays well enough to support my habit for music.

In the begining of 2011 I finished my first EP album and have been writing as many new songs as frequently as my busy schedule will let me. I tried starting a band with my friends with me as the drummer, but as life usually turns out, we all had different paths to take to achieve our goals. However, it was fun while it lasted and they will be my brothers until the end.

I had a rough time through 2011, to say the least, and I am now living in Latvia and working on getting gigs around the country and around Europe if possible. So if you are around when I have a performance, I hope to see you there.

"This is me, this is who I am, and this is what I represent; live life and love."

Peace and much love,


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