Jaunākie draugi
- Francis Millers (fotofrancis)28. feb 2020 12:33nomainīja profila bildi
A new thing to me, SO groovy thanks to Darius new German man on the block for showing me it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOn0iXYzyTM My old poster is just to get your attension! BTW here is today's sunrise in Time Lapse from Galiano Island over the ocean towards... Lasīt vairāk
Maris was something wonderful. His guitar playing and musical abilities were just so astounding and he was to boot such a loveable, modest, and funny guy. I miss him as many still do. When back in Latvia recently I found some old Video's of Maris when he had his... Lasīt vairāk
memory of great times in Latvia playing alongside Rihards Rikmanis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVE06hZiJLI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwTY42PRVdE Live to rock, rock to live! And to hear the whole album of music Rihards and other dear friends Raitis, Aigars,... Lasīt vairāk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kszLwBaC4Sw It seems the mythos of Major Tom. Continues in this one! Black Star, something tribal death cultish! Gotta respect the old living legend!
And if that doesn't quite get you started - https://www.youtube.com/watc... Lasīt vairāk
Wanted to share this great track that Rihards wrote, feel it was like a highlight of the album we did then - http://newsrecycledgrowth.bandcamp.com/t… Nothing like the title of song - Nose! Also as a side note. Where... Lasīt vairāk